Thousand New Jobs

2016 meant the construction of a new industrial plant for Grupo Miguel, which in addition to adding two new DPAs/companies to the group, will create more than one thousand direct jobs in the country.

by | Jan 26, 2017 | News | 0 comments

The 2016 meant the construction of a new industrial plant for Grupo Miguel, which in addition to adding two new DPA / companies to the group, will create more than one thousand direct jobs in the country. The construction was developed during the course of this year and already generated jobs to the first 300 people.

The new plant covers an area of 7,500 square meters and is designed to meet all modern demands for adequate production and safety processes.

Grupo Miguel is the name of the full package manufacturing plant, which has a capacity for 45 product manufacturing modules. The equipment acquired is brand new and to date, there are 700 sewing machines of the latest technology.

The areas of cutting, confection, vaporization, packaging, and warehouse ensure that employees have the necessary safety and ergonomic supplies, in addition to having a ventilation system through nozzles and extractors throughout the plant, also installed LED lighting In the whole building.

Also part of the new stage of the group is M & E Solutions, where more than 200 direct jobs will be generated, being a company dedicated to the manufacture of printed labels and logos. M & E Solutions has state-of-the-art printing machinery, breaking records of innovation throughout the region.

This new phase in Grupo Miguel added the construction of a cafeteria type food court, which will provide workers with three different options for their lunch time and with 1,000 square meters has a capacity for one thousand people. In addition, as part of the recreation time that the company is aware that its employees need, a statutory soccer field was built, which can be used in their free time or after the end of their working day.


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