Since 2014, Grupo Miguel has established alliances with World Vision, a Walmart organization, and its “Mujeres en Fábricas” project. This initiative seeks to support workers in India, Bangladesh, China, and Central America, with the aim of training men and women in basic and advanced training to strengthen their skills and enable them to have better personal and professional development in their areas of work.
To date, Grupo Miguel has enabled the training of 201 employees, including 104 women and 97 men. Of these, nine basic level promotions and a promotion of 24 women in the advanced level have been graduated.
With this project, World Vision and Grupo Miguel have guaranteed an improvement in the work environment of the company, since the personal skills of the workers have expanded, generating efficiency in the different production and administrative areas.
The training provided to the staff has a comprehensive approach, in addition to seeking a noticeable improvement in their work environments, seeks to challenge them in different aspects of everyday life, causing an impact that goes beyond the walls of the place of employment. Among the topics developed are leadership, communication, conflict resolution, finance, self-esteem, health, and others.